Exhibition / Nature
House of Nature in the Museum Niederösterreich

In an impressive ambience, the Museum Niederösterreich in the cultural district of St. Pölten combines two places to engage with science and research: the Haus für Natur (house for nature) and the Haus der Geschichte (house of history). In the Haus für Natur, fauna and flora are presented like nowhere else. From fish from the “Donaubecken” (Danube basin) to a cave, meadows and foothills to real glacier ice, the museum provides insights into the fascinating natural worlds of Lower Austria. The Haus für Natur is also unique because of its combination of museum and zoo. More than 40 native animal species cavort in the aquariums and terrariums. 


Special exhibition 2024: “Tiere auf Wanderschaft” (animals on the move) 

The Earth races through space at 100,000 kilometres per hour. Its year-long journey around the sun constantly changes the living conditions on its surface, setting in motion enormous animal migrations. In the water, in the air and on land, huge groups, herds and swarms move across the Earth’s surface every year in order to secure food resources, avoid adverse weather conditions, seek spawning grounds or sexual partners, or open up new habitats and food sources, among other things. The physical feats the animals perform are amazing, their navigational skills impressive. Who migrates where? How do they do it? What drives them? 


The new exhibition “Tiere auf Wanderschaft” is dedicated to the diverse aspects of smaller and larger animal migrations. 

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