Spielzeit 2024/2025 performance austrian premiere

Yo Bro

Joana Tischkau
Festspielhaus St. Pölten


For Generations hardly anything has shaped our image of family as much as television. “But who is this ‘we’,” asks Joana Tischkau, “to whom ‘Married with Children’ is addressed? Who recognises themselves in ‘Alf’?” 


Together with her twin brother Aljoscha, a social pedagogue, the choreographer and performer celebrates a very special revue about television and family. In “Yo Bro”, Joana and Aljoscha Tischkau, supported by complete strangers cast as their relatives, artfully work their way through all the representations of family in mass media. Bodies put on costumes to act out the roles that are not commonly ascribed to non-white or queer people. Living images of contradiction and ambiguity. The Kelly Family singing “We are the world”. A dance through the archive of collective memories of television evenings of the 1980s and 1990s, at the end of which the image of the family is reassembled. With the Jacksons. “Wanna Bet?” 


Joana Tischkau, born in Göttingen, is a choreographer and performer. At the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen, she researched how popcultural dance practices with Black connotations in social spaces can be interwoven with intersectional, feminist and postcolonial theories to form an artistic practice. She is also co-founder of the Austrian Museum for Black Entertainment and Black Music.


    • Regie
      Joana Tischkau
    • Performance
      Raissa Steinke, Alex Sabotic, Kaya Chiara Otto, Joana und Aljoscha Tischkau, Jean-Philippe Adabra, Renate Gebhardt, Silvia Crivelli, Karl-Ishan Barta
    • Bühne
      Carlo Siegfried
    • Kostüme
      Nadine Bakota
    • Sounddesign
      Frieder Blume
    • Dramaturgie
      Elisabeth Hampe
    • Video
    • Kostümkoordination
      Nadine Wagner
    • Gastspielbetreuung
      Laura-Marie Preßmar
    • Lichtdesign und technische Leitung
      Hendrik Borowski
    • Produktion
      Lisa Gehring

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