Spielzeit 2023/2024 music art

StadtLandFluss 2024

Kunst, Musik, Community Festival

21./22. Juni

Kulturbezirk St. Pölten


How can we manage to connect the government district, the inner city and the natural environment more thoroughly?


After its premiere in 2019, “StadtLandFluss” will be presenting a new chapter as part of Tangente. The mini festival sent a strong signal from the independent scene, creating synergy between local cultural players and civil society in special locations within the government district. Surprises such as a stage in the Landhaus pond or the first boat trip there are still fond memories for many visitors.


The goal of “StadtLandFluss” is to strengthen the connection between the government district, the Traisen river, the (inner) city and its inhabitants. For 2024, the format will be expanded co-creatively with the well-known format “Sind im Garten” (we’re in the garden) by the Festspielhaus St. Pölten and the Landesmuseum Niederösterreich. Various protagonists from the city and the countryside have been invited by the curatorial team to help shape the interdisciplinary programme.

The “cultural district” and the government quarter will be used on different levels, new spaces will be opened up and discovered, perspectives expanded and formats explored. A stage will be provided for the greatly diverse arts and cultural scene of St. Pölten and Lower Austria, revealing some surprising possibilities in public space. From the main plaza in front of the Festspielhaus to the lake stage, to the banks of the Traisen or the underground car park, from discourse to performance and concerts in unexpected places; it’s all about temporary usage and discovery, inviting visitors from St. Pölten, Lower Austria and beyond to experience the familiar, unfamiliarly.


    • 01:00:00
    • 01:00:00
    • 02:00:00


    • Kuratierung Klangturm
      IMA Institut für Medienarchäologie

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