Sandra Laura Axinte


In her work, artist Sandra-Laura Axinte explores the future of fashion. As part of her studies in Fashion and Technology at the University of Art and Design Linz, the St. Pölten native specialized in experimental material development and sustainable methods in fashion. Axinte envisions a future in which every resource is valuable and clothing is created in the kitchen from local, environmentally friendly and renewable ingredients. With her work "Culinary Turn", she created a utopian scenario in which it is possible to cook clothes in the kitchen using familiar ingredients, food waste and locally grown fabrics. Recipes are translated into clothing and a wearable menu is created by carefully washing, peeling and precisely cutting the individual ingredients. Her latest project "SCOBY Lab" – SCOBY stands for "Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast" and is created naturally during the fermentation of Kombucha tea – is structured as a series of events and lasts until the material is ready for harvesting. Nourished by green tea and sugar, the material grows and thus offers a regenerative and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional leather.

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