

Saeborg (1981, Toyama) regards herself as an incomplete cyborg: half human, half toy. She creates a latex body suit, which serves as an extension of her own skin, for a unique performance. One of her main interests is breathing life into the uncharted territories of the mind and emotions, giving them depth and dimension that often eludes everyday life. Driven by a strong desire to transcend fixed identities, such as gender, and the human body itself, Saeborg envelops herself in body suits that playfully deform creatures like sows and bugs, creating a playful utopian experiment farm inhabited by creatures from the very bottom of the ecosystem.

Her most recent works include “Super Farm” (Theater der Welt, Frankfurt, 2023), “Cycle of L” (The Museum of Art, Kochi, 2020) and “House of L” (Aichi Triennale, 2019). In 2019, she was invited to the Tasmanian Dark Mofo Festival and in 2018 to the 6th Athens Biennale “ANTI”. Saeborg was awarded the Tokyo Contemporary Art Award TCAA 2022-24 and is based in Tokyo.

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