Johanna Frühwald (Aktivistin)


Johanna Frühwald is a climate protection activist and part of the Fridays for Future St. Pölten movement and an activist with #zusammenHaltNÖ. Frühwald tries to create better framework conditions for climate protection through strikes, public relations work and talks with politicians. She completed her Master's degree in Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy at WU Vienna. Sisters Lisa and Johanna Frühwald grew up in church youth work in their family (including KIBIWO St. Pölten) and are now both involved in the Fridays for Future climate justice movement. Johanna Frühwald currently works as a research analyst at KONTEXT – Institute for Climate Issues. The mission of the institute, which was founded at the beginning of 2024, is to make the background to the climate debate in society understandable and to promote a well-founded discussion about possible solutions.

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