

Delia Beatriz aka Debit (Mexico) is an electronic music composer, sound specialist and devoted thinker with a master’s degree in music technology from NYU. Her creative inquires involve expanding musical formats into space, objects, environments, and design. In her graduate work she connected AI and an archaeological archive of Mayan wind instruments from the Late Classical Period, while surveying pre-Hispanic electronic music legacies resulting in a critically acclaimed record. She got her B.A. from Brown University, where she studied International Relations and Latin American Studies. Delia Beatriz has participated in several conferences and panels, including Audio Engineering Society, Mutek Montreal, Mutek Mx, UNAM’s tech festival El Aleph, Rewire Festival, among others. She is an adjunct professor of Global Electronic Music and Electronic Music Performance in the Music Tech program at NYU and is currently developing “catabolism”, a platform for critical tools around electronic music praxis.


research - delia beatriz

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